Brick Finish – A popular exterior skin, as the capsulated panel system does not cause any shrinkage that usually occurs in other materials. This form of cladding however requires additional foundation support which otherwise would not have been needed for the panels.

Block and Render – Using steel brick ties to hold the block on to the panels face, a block and cavity structure can be erected then covered with a render to form a traditional cladding.

Brick Slip Systems – A cost effective exterior render, which can dramatically reduce not only the budget of a cladding system but also the time of completion. A thin sheet of “mock brick” is attached to the panel as a ascetically pleasing finish and weather proof cladding.

Silicon Render Board systems – Flexible, easy to apply and low maintenance, the silicone is applied to a cement board which is placed onto treated battens. It provides a weather tight protection layer and comes in a variety of colours.

Timber Cladding - Weather boards are used to cover the panels by fixing them to softwood battens which are in turn placed on to the panels. The boards are ascetically pleasing as well as practically durable and weather tight. Ceader is a popular choice of weather boarding for.

Tile Hung Cladding – Usually applied to first floor stories for visual purposes, vertical battens are placed on to the exterior panel face, with counter battens in between which the tiles are then hung from.

Exterior Finishing Methods
CLTs and SIPs panels both have a range of external cladding and finishes options available. All are introduced in a range of colours by manufacturers. Some of the finishes have disadvantages or advantages depending on the site considerations.
Below are a representation of the finished woods of CLTs which are sometimes used as the final finish for interior purposes, however have to be treated or clad for exterior use due to adverse effects of weathering.
Fig 14. Brick Cladding
Fig 15. Block and Render
Fig 16. Brick Slip
Fig 17. Render Board
Fig 18. Timber Weatherboards
Fig 19. Hung Tiles

Fig 20. Douglas Fir
Fig 21. Larch
Fig 22. Ceader
Fig 24. Spruce

Fig 23. Radiata Pine